Senbo Resort Hangzhou
在杭州开元森泊项目上,象限艺术的设计师们认为每个人都有对自然的向往,自然给予人们的馈赠看似无形却也有迹可循。自然既是鬼斧神工的创造者也是千万灵感孕育的摇篮,面对自然的馈赠我们心怀感恩也满怀敬畏。一直以来我们坚持将每一个艺术品都融入到环境之中,让这些艺术品在最终的呈现上不仅仅是一件简单的摆件,更重要的是其背后的思想,以及环境与艺术品本身的完美契合。当两者完美共融才有了我们眼前看到的这些有趣生动的艺 术品。它们不仅仅装饰了空间本身,也将我们的设计理念带给每一个观赏的人。
In the design of the Senbo Resort Hangzhou, designers of quadrant art believe that everyone has a yearning for nature, and the gifts of nature to people seem invisible but also tracable. Nature is not only the creator of extraordinary workmanship, but also the cradle of thousands of inspiration. In the face of the gifts from nature, we are grateful and with awe. We have always insisted on integrating each artwork into the environment, so that the final works of these artworks are not just a simple decoration, but more importantly, the idea behind them, as well as the perfect fit between the environment and the artworks. When the two are perfectly combined, these interesting and vivid works of art are displayed in front of our eyes. They not only decorate the space, but also bring our design ideas to everyone who looks at them.