
Exquisites Restaurant Hangzhou

小石流水、竹林鸟影,处在忙碌的都市是否你也曾想过寻一处僻静之地,饮一壶酒、品一壶茶?“大隐隐于市,小隐隐于野 ” 用来形容《玉玲珑》或许最为贴切。《玉玲珑》是一家别具一格的主题餐厅坐落在杭州黄龙饭店,这里出自著名设计师、当代艺术家陈林老师之手,   他真正的把艺术带进了我们的生活,让我们可以更加近距离的接触这些艺术的创造者们。入口我们可以看到象限艺术阮悦来老师创作的山水画卷,明代著名花鸟画家边文进“三友百禽图”跃然于眼前。精美的陈设景观,山石、流水以及雾气让这里仿若尘世之中的世外桃源。

Spring are flowing through stones, and birds’ shadow are flickering in the bamboo forests. In a busy city, have you ever wanted to find a secluded place to have a drink or have cups of tea? As  the ancient Chinese saying goes, “People who want to enjoy peaceful life don’t need to go to somewhere quiet. Only when you feel peaceful when you are in the crowded cities, you find the peace in your heart”, Yee Chino is exactly the quiet place that in a crowded city. It is a unique themed restaurant located in the Dragon Hotel Hangzhou. It is designed by Chen Lin, a famous designer and contemporary artist. He really brings art into our lives and allows us to get closer to the creators of these arts. At the entrance, we can see the landscape paintings created by Ruan Yuelai, an artist of quadrant art. “Three friends and One Hundred Birds” by Bian Wen, a famous painter of flowers and birds in the Ming dynasty, is hung there. Exquisite decorations, landscape, stones, springs and fog make here to be a xanadu in the mortal life.


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