Lujin Providence Wuxi Sales Center
路劲天御将新古典主义风格和 ART-DECO 风格灵活运用,融汇了中式合院布局精髓,打造庄重大气的人文形象。极具现代风格的建筑线条和古典严谨的比例尺度以及恰到好处的细部 处理尽显时代特征;奢华尺度挑空大堂、国际一线品牌门窗系统,精工品质细节臻显。路劲天御,专为成功人士度身定制,沉静间挥洒优雅,低调中彰显尊荣;路劲天御,传承蠡湖两 千五百载仕隐文化,不负锡城三千春秋商贾盛世名。
Lujin Tianyu applies neoclassical style and ART-DECO style flexibly, integrates the essence of Chinese courtyard layout, and creates a solemn humanistic image. The extremely modern architectural lines and classical rigorous scale of proportion and proper detail treatment fully show the characteristics of the Times; Luxury empty lobby, doors and windows system of international brands, the building is of high quality. Lujin Tianyu, is specially tailored for successful elites, quiet and elegant, low-key but honorable; Lujin Tianyu, inherits the 2,500 years of culture of Li Lake, and lives up to the reputation of Wuxi City with thousands of years business culture.