Xinqiao Hotel Hangzhou
新侨饭店是一家按照国家四星级饭店标准建立起来的饭店。饭店与美丽的西湖近在咫尺。在这繁忙的都市里,新侨饭店是商务旅行者和旅游者来杭州最佳的选择之地。本项目针对新侨饭店特定的地理环境和悠久历史进行了艺术创作与设计。在酒店大堂空间主要设计了墙面浮雕作为立面主背景,雕塑以一种写实结合现代构成的表现手法描绘了西湖由来的神话传说, 为酒店整体空间营造一种大气、神秘的艺术氛围。在其他的空间我们则充分的发挥其独特的地理位置优势,围绕了西湖边的历史繁华老照片、老建筑,将这些富有年代感的元素融入到装饰艺术中。
Hangzhou Xinqiao Hotel is a hotel established according to the national four-star hotel standard. The hotel is close to the beautiful West Lake. In this busy city, Xinqiao Hotel is the best choice for business travelers and tourists visiting Hangzhou. This project carries out artistic creation and design based on the specific geographical environment and long history of Xinqiao Hotel. In the lobby space of the hotel, wall reliefs are mainly designed as the main background of the facade. The sculpture depicts the myth and legend of the origin of West Lake with a realistic and modern expression method, creating an decent and mysterious artistic atmosphere for the overall space of the hotel. In other Spaces, we fully use its unique geographical advantages, and focus on the historic and prosperous old photos and buildings by the West Lake, then integrates these elements with a sense of age into the decorative arts.