Yuehua Hotel Shanghai
上海悦华大酒店占地面积 25 亩,建筑面积近五万平方米,位于上海市奉贤区南桥镇中心繁华地段,闹中取静,坐拥时尚,并集商务和旅游度假于一身。酒店总台雕塑以时间,速度和 花朵为主题,深化设计出手表齿轮的现代感造型,将人们传统印象中的形态赋予艺术的创作 手法,呼应酒店整体的时尚装修风格与气氛。
Yuehua Hotel Shanghai covers an area of 25 Mu with a construction area of nearly 50,000 square meters. It is located in the downtown area of Nanqiao Town, Fengxian District, Shanghai. The hotel is a quiet place in the crowded city center with high fashion taste. It combines business and travel together. The sculpture in the fount desk of the hotel takes speed and flowers as the theme, deepens the design of watch gear in the modern sense, and provides the traditional impression of many people with the form of artistic creations, which echoes the overall fashion decoration style and atmosphere of the hotel.