
Hangzhou Chuanweiguan Cyberpunk X Mountain and Sea Classics


对于赛博朋克(Cyberpunk)这个词我想很多人并不陌生,从经典的《攻壳机动队》到《银翼杀手》,每个人都有机械义肢、街道遍布的高亮的全息投影、摩天大楼,地域冲突、人口大爆炸。或许这就是很多人对于赛博朋克的第一印象,赛博朋克不是一个名词更像一个不为人知的世界。而第一个把赛博朋克捧上神坛的故事是William Gibson的科幻小说《神经漫游者》。而William本人也因为开创了新的科幻路线而被大家封为“赛博朋克”鼻祖



外侧灯饰以粉、蓝、白三种颜色作为主色,结合山海极乐的主题通过文字霓虹灯以及可动滑轨赋予装置动态,足够的汉字元素、艳丽的霓虹灯、机械义肢、仿佛让观者进入到了William Gibson笔下那个充满科幻神秘的赛博朋克世界。


Located in the center of Hangzhou, Hangzhou Kerry Center is a commercial complex with numerous high-end brands and trendy creativity. As an old brand enterprise in Hangzhou hotpot, Chuanweiguan has plenty of popularity in Hangzhou. This time Chuanweiguan settles in The Kelly Center, which has brought about a wonderful collision between cyberpunk, Mountain and Sea Classics with hotpot brands, while quadrant has also created a space experience of the era accompanying with all the distinguished guests .

Cyberpunk is a term that I think many of you are familiar with. From the classic Ghost in the Shell to Blade Runner, everyone has mechanical prosthesis, streetal-studded holographic projections, skyscrapers, regional conflicts, population explosions. Maybe that’s the first impression that most people have of cyberpunk. Cyberpunk is not a term but more of a world that nobody knows about. The first story to bring Cyberpunk to the altar was William Gibson’s science fiction novel Neuromancer. While William himself is often referred to as the father of “Cyberpunk” because he pioneered a new line of science fiction.

In order to reflect cyberpunk, an element full of science and technology fantasy, the designers finally decided to empower the whole space through art installation after many studies and discussions, also represent the dual charm brought by technology and art through integrating the elements of Mountain and Sea Classics with Cyberpunk. Designers in the early quadrant of the  design need to carry out preliminary creation for the entire work shape, from the mechanical arm to the neon lights as well as the selection of artists’ works, they should fulfill strict screening to ensure the overall fit of the whole installation.

Unlike traditional sculptures, this installation has to be assembled on site then reassembled, which makes the work itself more difficult. In order to achieve the most perfect effect in the early stage of the whole device design, it is necessary to accurately proofread every point on site.

The exterior lighting is mainly composed of pink, blue and white. Combined with the theme of mountain and sea paradise, the device is dynamically endowed by text neon lights and movable sliding rails. With enough Chinese characters, bright neon lights and mechanical prosthetic limbs, the audience seems to enter the cyberpunk world full of science fiction and mystery under the description from William Gibson.

In most of the Cyberpunk films and television works we have seen, it is not difficult to find that in the world of Cyberpunk, people can rely on a helmet to learn a lot of external information, such as direction, distance and other data. While in this artwork, the helmet is reflected in its mirror area under the influence of the surrounding lights, as if it is reading the data from the outside world, giving the artwork itself a more technical feeling, just like a real visitor from Cyberpunk is learning about our world.


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